Cale Rogers

Cale Rogers

Chief Operating Officer

From start to finish, he manages all vertical construction projects, land development, and acquisitions

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As COO, Cale Rogers is responsible for the company’s interest from start to finish of all site and vertical construction projects, land development, and acquisitions. Cale’s bachelor’s degree in economics/finance and his experience with his family’s local civil engineering & land surveying company, Rogers Engineering, give him confidence in the daily decisions required for the company’s continued growth. A born and raised Ocala man, he and his wife Krystin and two daughters are proud to be a part of the local community.

Now with The Boyd Group, Cale focuses on land acquisitions, design concepts, construction, and project development. Cale relies on his strengths in finance, creative ideas, and quality relationships with local business leaders to bring continued growth to the company’s commercial and residential real estate development.